Top 50 Motivational Inspirational Quotes In English About Life And Success & To Explore In Facebook & What'sapp.

Best Motivational Quotes & Thoughts In English Which Inspire & Educate You 

Best Motivational & Inspirational Quotes & Thoughts About Life And Success !!

Here are 50 of the Best Motivational Thoughts I could Find. Some will make you Think, some will Uplift you, but most Importantly, some will Inspire you to live a Good Meaningful Life.

Best Motivational Quotes & Though To Share And Explore On Facebook And What'sapp.

दोस्तों अगर मैं आपसे यह बात कर रहा हूं तो आप लोगों में से कुछ लोग जरूर सोच रहे होंगे कि मुझे जिंदगी में यह करना है या कुछ लोग अपनी जिंदगी का मकसद जानते होंगे क्योंकि हर इंसान की जिंदगी में कुछ ना कुछ मकसद होता ही है लेकिन दोस्तों दूसरी प्रॉब्लम यह है कि आपको अपने आप पर विश्वास नहीं है क्योंकि आपको किसी काम को करने से पहले यह जरूर लगता है कि यह काम को करने का अभी समय नहीं है लेकिन दोस्तों आपका समय कब खत्म हो जाएगा आपको पता भी नहीं चलेगा .

Motivational Quotes & Thoughts

इसलिए दोस्तों आज मैं आपके लिए Motivational Quotes In English  और Motivational & Inspirational Thoughts  लाया हूं जो आपकी जिंदगी को एक नया राह दे सकता है यह सारे Hindi Motivational Thoughts & Quotes को बड़े बड़े महान हस्तियों ने लिखी है जो आज मैं आपको यह पोस्ट के माध्यम से बताने वाला हूं .

Best Motivational & Inspirational Quotes In English

Best Life Changing Inspirational Quotes
दिल को छु देने वाली कुछ पक्तियां


Inspirational Quotes @1

Power is Very Dangerous Word !!
Power Attracts The Worst And Corrupts The Best.


Inspirational Quotes @2

Struggle is Life.
Struggle Leads To Success.


Inspirational Quotes @3

A Student Who Can Not Respect His Teacher"Guru" Has No Future.
He has no Future.


Inspirational Quotes @4

Poverty Begins in Mind !
People With Right Attitude & Choices Can Escape the Poverty.


Inspirational Quotes @5

Self Control Is The Best Weapon In Your Life To Win In All the Situations& Problems.


Inspirational Quotes @6

At The End Of The Day, Your Biggest Competition Is You.


Inspirational Quotes @7

The First Step Is  Always The Hardest.


Inspirational Quotes @8

No Matter How Much Effort You Puri In,
If You Use The Wrong Tools,You Wouldn't Make It Happen.


Inspirational Quotes @9

Every One has Two Eyes but no has a Same View.


Inspirational Quotes @10

Money Can Not Buy Friends,
But You Can Get A Better Class Of Enemy.


Inspirational Quotes @11

Never Give Up.
Beleive In Yourself.


Inspirational Quotes @12

Be Live In Present,
Then You Definitely Rock In The Future.


Inspirational Quotes @13

Happiness Is Only Found By Those Who Are Striving To Make Other's Happy.


Inspirational Quotes @14

Success is The Result Of Your Hard Work.


Inspirational Quotes @15

Quotes Would Not Work Unless You Do & Make Them In To Reality


Inspirational Quotes @16

Every People Is The Best Not From The Mind But From The Heart.


Inspirational Quotes @17

Don't Stop When You Are Tired Stop When You Are Done.


Inspirational Quotes @18

You can Change Your Life  By Changing Your Thoughts.


Inspirational Quotes @19

Always Respect Others Others Wise You Missed Better


Inspirational Quotes @20

If You Can Think Then You Can Fly In The Sky.


Inspirational Quotes @21

Life Is Hard But Not Impossible.
Keep Improving Yourself.


Inspirational Quotes @22

Your Best Teacher Is Your last Mistake.


Inspirational Quotes @23

You Can Analysis Your Past But You Have To Design To Further.


Inspirational Quotes @24

Smile is the Symbol of Hope & Strength.
Always keep Smiling.


Inspirational Quotes @25

Only Mind Is The Product Of Your Success.


Inspirational Quotes @26

You Can't Change The Direction Of Wind,But You Can Adjust Your Sails To Always Reach Your Destination.


Inspirational Quotes @27

Memory is Always Beautiful When You See Your Past.


Inspirational Quotes @28

Mistakes are The Proof That You Are Trying.


Inspirational Quotes @29

One Smile Can't Change The World's But Your Smile Can Change The You.


Inspirational Quotes @30

Nothing is Impossible Even Possible Says I AM POSSIBLE


Inspirational Quotes @31

Every Thought We Think is Creating Our Future.


Inspirational Quotes @32

Life Is Too Short Don't Waste In to Reading Other's Status.


Inspirational Quotes @33

I will Win Not Immediately but Definitely


Inspirational Quotes @34

My Moral In Life Is Simple,If You will Treat me Good Then I Will Definitely Treat You Better .


Inspirational Quotes @35

Suicide Doesn't Not Take the Pain Away,
It Passes It To Someone Else.


Inspirational Quotes @36

"Log Kya Kahenge"
Has Killed More Dreams Than Anything Else In The World.


Inspirational Quotes @37

People's Wouldn't See Your Struggle,
They Only Will See Your Success.


Inspirational Quotes @38

If You Are Searching for That One Person Who Will Change Your Life,
Look In To The Mirror.


Inspirational Quotes @39

A Parrot Talks Too Much But Can't Fly High but An Eagle is Silent And Has Power to Touch The Sky.
In Life Be An Eagle Not A Parrot.


Inspirational Quotes @40

Entrepreneur Must Be Willing To be Misunderstood For Long Periods of Time.


Inspirational Quotes @41

This Whole World There is Only One Man Who Can Stop You To Become Successful And That is You.


Inspirational Quotes @42

Your Future is Created By What Are You Doing Today Not Tommorow.


Inspirational Quotes @43

Mirror is the Your Best Friend Becoz When You Cry It Will be Never Laugh.


Inspirational Quotes @44

The End Product Of Education Should Be A Free Creative Man,Who Can Battle Against Historical Circumstances and Adversities Of Nature.


Inspirational Quotes @45

Only The Timid and The Weak leave Things To Destiny but The Strong and The Self Confident never back on Destiny Or Luck.


Inspirational Quotes @46

They Do Not Define Me..
I Define Me..
They Do Not Set My Standard..
I set My Own Standards..
I Am Limitless


Inspirational Quotes @47

If You Try To be like Someone Else,
Then You End Up Losing Your Own Indentity.


Inspirational Quotes @48

If You Don't Like Something Change It,
If You Can't change It change Your Attitude.


Inspirational Quotes @49

Life is A Big Game.
Win Or Loose Does not Matter just Keep Playing.


Inspirational Quotes @50

If You Ever Feel Like An Animal among Men,
Be A Line.


Final words:-

मैंने कुछ लोगों को कहते सुना है कि आप जो मोटिवेशनल देते हो क्या सभी लोग यह बातों को मानते होंगे क्या आपको लगता है इन बातों से हम सफल हो पाएंगे
अगर आपको ऐसा लगता है तो आप कॉमेंट्स में हमें लिख कर जरूर बताएं !!


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Author Bio:-

हेलो दोस्तो मेरा नाम Ajay Kumar Chaudhary है और मुझे ऑनलाइन आप सबको इंफॉर्मेशन देना बहुत ही पसंद है मेरा पोस्ट आप लोगों के काम आए इससे बड़ी बात और कुछ नहीं. मैं इसी प्रकार मोटिवेट करते रहूंगा.. क्योंकि मेरी प्रवृत्ति है आप को मोटिवेट करना, आप आगे बढ़ना चाहते हैं 

मैं “अजय कुमार चौधरी” धन्यवाद करता हूँ भारत के सबसे बड़े मोटिवेशनल वेबसाइट का जिन्होंने मुझे अपने मंच पर मेरे शब्द प्रस्तुत करने का मौका दिया दोस्तों अगर मेरे शब्द जो इंटरनेट के माध्यम से एक संग्रह है आप को मोटिवेट करने के लिए आपको कैसा लगा हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में जरूर बताइए। अगर आपके अंदर मोटिवेशनल की आग लग चुकी है तो इसे शेयर भी कर दें..


Thank You So Much

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